Cards against humanity

Hi, my name is Windy St. George, and this is how to play twenty questions. Twenty questions is a simple parlor game that you can use to pass the time. You don't need any props. One person...
What’s up Undertoads? This is Jonathan from Classic Game Room, and I’ve got a special treat for you today. There have been books on video game history for a while now, but there’s one book that...
Hey everyone, my name is Brandon from Room 214 and I'm here to walk you through some of the big changes made to Facebook pages recently. Number one is the big layout change. You'll...
Oh oh oh I want a henti girl for me to make me happy I want her so I can stop using my hand we're ok this is 0 we help figuring yet because ok forget think yeah well is their first episode a...
Where the hell are you, I'm down to my last life here! Yeah I know, it's not loading! Crap! Okay I'm in, where are you!? It's too late man, you're too late. Oh...
I'm super excited about being your first ever virtual host at the upcoming Boardroom Briefings event on the 29th of May at 11 a.m. (AEST) And the reason why I am so excited is because at this...
Hi there My name's Jason from the Redstoners UK project, a small group of gamers who enjoy sharing the fun we have on games with the people of Youtube some of you may know me from our lets...
p_r_i_'s got a call at five thousand people in a convention center eddy says if you're a school teacher said that if you're out there and stand up if you're a cop...
In RU-PAM, two players work together as the heart and brain of a sniper, to find and shoot 5 targets. The player with the PSMove controller plays the heart The player with the Xbox controller plays...