So in keeping with talking about these two new pieces, there are small parts that are collaged in these that aren't necessarily again covering the whole piece. And they're very small...
You want to make sure while we're still doing this, cutting and scoring the edges between our tape and our collage, that we're not going too deep as to cut through the paper itself....
So, here I have some other works of art that I've been creating and thinking in terms of different ways of approaching a collage. You don't necessarily have to cover an entire surface...
So, we've just been collaging now, as we're moving along in to the next pieces. You're going to see how the other pieces behind, are actually beginning to dry already....
So your first step in moving towards working on your collage, after you've fixatived your graphite pencil down in the area that you're going to be working your collage in, is to choose...
So we've just been collaging and we're on to one,two,three,four,five, six pieces so far. So I'm moving pretty quickly right now for the intent and purpose of showing you how to...
So after I've established the border with my painter's tape around the area that I am to collage. Again, making sure that all the edges that are actually facing the inside of the...
So I'm still working with my medium. I still have plenty made and as you can see, there actually wasn't too much at the bottom here. I didn't make a whole lot because this...