Garlicky greens is as much a technique of cooking leafy greens as it is a specific recipe. This recipe calls for cleaned and cut kale but you can pick from a whole, wide variety of other choices. Like...
[Guitar Music Playing] This is Osage, A 2012 release from the Division of Agriculture's Fruit Breeding Program. Osage was released for one key reason And that's exceptional flavor. One...
Hi my name is Rachel Deon of Expert Village. Today I'm going to teach you how to make jelly which was one of my grandmothers special recipe. I'm going to tell you how to pick out fruit...
To seed your roma tomato, lie your roma tomato horizontally on your cutting board. Next we're going to remove the very top and the bottom of the tomato, so that you can stand it up. Now,...
A correct way, how to clean the sprayer outside in the field There is cleaning liquid in the rinsing tank. The sprayer operator leaves the cabin, while putting on protective gloves and buttoning up...
The label that's on all pesticide containers has been written in a language that everybody should be able to understand and use. The pesticide label is the law. Anytime that you use a...
Placement of pesticides, their storage and the equipment of end-user or on-farm depot Any depot, where plant protection products are to be stored, must ... ... be marked as "Depot of...