Hello! Bonjour! This is a step by step look at what to expect when you set up your tent Please note that although your tent may differ from the one shown here most tents follow the same basic steps...
I wanted to learn a trade, and I really wasn’t looking forward to working in an office. As part of the Engineering program you learn about hydraulics, refrigeration, electronics, diesel engines,...
La maison d'aujourd'hui est une maison très spéciale, car elle constitue la première maison pour Autochtones vivant en milieu urbain, ici à Ottawa. Nous savons qu'il y a...



Alan Borovoy: Probably one of the earliest experiences I had that would relate to human rights was the experience of anti-Semitism when I was a young kid. There were gangs that used to set upon us. We...
Alan Borovoy: We realized at the time -- and I'm talking now about the late 50s and very early 60s, 60, 61, somewhere around there -- that the state of administration and enforcement of our...
Alan Borovoy: Probably the first major project I got involved in was trying to secure legislation against housing discrimination. A few years prior to my going on the job, my colleagues in the labour...
Alan Borovoy: Of course stereotyping is what happened quite frequently. But over the years, I became less interested in dealing with the stereotypes that produced prejudice rather than dealing with...
Alan Borovoy: Before I became professionally employed, I started to get interested in these things. I was writing a column for an Anglo-Jewish magazine. This is after university, before I got the job...
Hello my name is Dan Hornick and I am the chief engineer on the Coast Guard heavy icebreaker Terry Fox. Welcome to the Terry Fox. I am going to take you around the engine room here today and show you...
Hello. My name is Donald Dupuis. I work here in Dartmouth in Nova Scotia in the Marine Communications and Traffic Services. (Music) We are the eyes and ears of the Coast Guard. As officers our job...