em comemoração ao dia do doador de sangue hospitais hemocentros de todo o país lançaram hoje mais uma campanha para divulgar e conscientizar a população sobre a importância destes gesto voluntário...



<i>Anteriormente em Once Upon a Time...</i> <i>Estamos numa terra sem magia,</i> <i>-mas vou trazê-la de volta. -A magia aqui é...
Today we're gonna try the Taurus RT 817 revolver Revolvers are fantastic firearms that although had been recently less used They are still great guns for home defense specially for those with...



Pollution is one of the greatest problems faced by big cities. And cars are greatly responsible for much of it. How to make this almost invisible problem into a visible one? With balloons. Presenting...
The Musical Campaign Stop means that I will now present The Musical Campaign: Stop and Stop is released These two words can change the world One being in English and the other is Stop Stop in...
Hello, my name is Lisá Tamiris. I’m a fashion designer and photographer. I am launching a campaign to fulfill my dream of having my own fashion company and make it grow. From this workshop I draw,...
rede ex aequo lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and friends youth association - Hi, this is Manel. - And this is Sara. And we're part of rede ex aequo association, which is an association of...



At the second week of January 2011 a heavy cloud covered the mountain area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, causing damage in several cities, including Petrópolis. What not many people know is that...
The Easter Bunny’s true story It was Easter Sunday and the children woke up happy, waiting for the Easter Bunny to arrive. Easter bunny, what have you brought us? One egg, two eggs, three eggs, like...
Breast cancer is the one type of cancer that affects the most women not only in Brazil but Worldwide It is very important to prevent it When diagnosed in the early stages, the chances of a full...