I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot transform it; you cannot conceptualize it. It is what it is; it was...
>> DeDapper Media, take one, mark it. >> Video is not an option, it’s a necessity. A website without prominent video content is a waste of time, resources, and maybe most...
TS: Hello we�re here with Jon Cohen and he is a Grinnell College men�s golfer. He recently came off a fourth place finish at the Midwest Conference Championships, congratulations. The first day kind...
[APPLAUSE] SIMON ROGERS: Good afternoon. I feel like, for once, I'm in a room where lots of people already get this. So it goes. But my job is at the Guardian Datastore and Datablog....
Time: 26 Oct 2013 17:29:19 Type: Normal Speed: 57.6 Lat.: 51.68050339445472 Lon.: -0.006765872240066528 Time: 26 Oct 2013 17:29:20 Type: Normal Speed: 56.9 Lat.: 51.68049283325672 Lon.:...



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We've been talking to each other, right across King's to understand what makes this a great place to work and a great place to be cared for. The aim of all that talking is to...
>> Voice over: In the summer of 2010, a group of young people assisted by a team of creatives took over the Camberwell College of Art to embark on a new mission – Operation Creative...



Welcome to Proactive Accountant! Let me ask you a personal question: How’s your relationship with your accountant? Are you two happy together? Or is your accountant just a glorified bookkeeper? Here...