My name is John Forde, I'm a director of PRO-Partnership. And this week's business tip is on Auditing. For companies looking to set-up in Qatar, it's a legal requirement that...
My name is John Forde, and I'm a director of PRO-Partnership. This week, I'll be giving a business tip on residents permits. It's a legal requirement that employees obtain a...
My name is John Forde and I'm a director of PRO-Partnership. This week's business tip is on understanding the pace of business in Qatar. The first rule to understand about Qatar is...
My name is John Forde and I'm a director of PRO-Partnership. This week's business tip is on commercial real-estate. As part of the company formation process, every company must obtain...
[music] Announcer: Brought to you by [music] Greg Cassar: So the first thing is malware. So what this is talking about is just basically hackers; bastards who are out on the...
My name is Jane Ashford and I'm a Director at PRO-Partnership. Today, my business tip is about the work permit. Foreign females, living in Qatar under their husband's sponsorship can...
Announcer: Brought to you by Business Fiona Anson: I guess I took a lesson out of my own book, probably this one here, and said, you know, I think the only way that we're...
I am Tim Ricke from and on behalf of Expert Village. In this segment we're going to talk about organizing your business with a chart of organization. If you're a new...
Every time you add somebody new to your team, you are going to start this process over again. So let me give you these four stages and you can kind of process them as we go along. The first stage of...
[Music] Announcer: Brought to you by [Music] Pete Williams: From my mom's side of things, mom was a math teacher... So again I'm probably as far away from...