I used to be a rep with a large national independent firm. They were growing rapidly, when I left them they had over 1500 reps, now they have over 10,000. Being from the Midwest I was more interested...
one thing I have noticed is SII really really puts the onus on being independent you know independent broker-dealer and independent in our business is very very key you know there is not that level a...



Actually I started in business in 1978 and then during the nineteen eighties when our industry changed a little bit I started to affiliate with a broker-dealer and I've had two broker-dealers...



Can you sue your stockbroker if your investments have gone down in value? Welcome and thank you for joining me. I’m Jim Bendell, an attorney practicing in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Well, you...
You have decided to sell your West Island home. Maybe you want to move into something smaller? Maybe you are moving for employment purposes? Regardless of your reasons to sell you home, you want to...
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it's a really simple business really when it comes down to it its good good communication skills and I view our role on the operations and technology side is just give our personnel some tools...



OptionsHouse is one of a few brokerage firms that allows prospective customers to sign up and test out their platform using a "Virtual Trading" account. The virtual trading software...
Hi, it´s Tuesday, March 20th my name is Viktoria Balint and you are watching Axiory´s news Broadcast. We will begin with technical analysis. Up first is the euro dollar. As long as price holds above...
'If feeIs just Iike yesterday..' 'I had just returned from America after compIeting my education.' 'Papa was unweII hence to handIe some urgent...