Bride and groom portraits

Candid wedding photography tips Weddings are full of magical moments and every bride and groom hopes their photographer will capture them on film. Here are professional photographer Nigel Barker’s...
Hi, I'm Rebecca Guenther with, and I'm going to talk to you about how to become a wedding photographer. What you want to do for this one, is you want to go out...
When you're thinking about your accessories, one important item to remember is a handbag. We all need somewhere to put some Kleenex, and perhaps a cell phone, and a tube of lipstick. One...
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Happy Holidays! Welcome back to the Book More Brides Holiday Triple Play video series. Iím Jeff and this is my wife, Stephanie, wearing a REAL holiday hat this time. Does FREE marketing, the kind...
Introduction: Hi, my name is Sandy Smith and I am the owner of Moonlight Photographic. Goal of the Video: Today, I am going to give you five tips to make your bridal photo shoot a huge success! Why...
Gold Coast Wedding Photographer Bec and Chris were a private address in the footfalls of Mt Tamborine, a comfortable drive from both Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Quite fortunately the...
Do you know how to save money on wedding photography? Aside from letting Uncle Mike take the pictures? Put disposable cameras on all of the guest tables and develop them after the photo. Why on Earth...