I'm watching Jeopardy, which isn't that bad. I would like to host that show one time. Just one time. I'm not that interested in the show or who wins. I would like to be the...
It's a little bit complicated when you think about selecting a telephone company. Today we are going to talk about how to choose a telephone company. My name is Katy Pabst Robshaw with total...
How are you guys doing tonight? This is awesome, it's a huge crowd It's important to know that Hindus believe The more you suffer in this life The less you will suffer in the next life...



nobody got to spank their kids which i don't agree with i think we need to bring back about the spanking unlikely tomorrow morning wake up fine you can get them it'll be the best and i...
Oh you know what it is, I did wanna share one story with you guys because I know you guys would appreciate it. Alright. I wanna share with you a story that happened to me, a funny story, in Hajj. When...
"I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is and cross it deliberately." - George Carlin Does it inspire? Does it shock? Does it make people laugh so...



oi how are ya mate whos that its bobby go fuckin drive ya goin to the park yeah can i get a lift yeah nah fucking go hes not coming go drive drive drive do not let him in there's no room bloke...



( <i>grunts</i> ) Ah! Andie! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, listen. Can you forgive me, sugar puss? Look, I don't know what I was thinking, all right? I-I'm sorry. I...
A few words from Paul's Letter to the Philippians Paul is talking about that some of the people who are trying to preach about Jesus have made it all about rules and all about what a...