all my god were live at america's future now that stocks are at it's a little conference for those of you guys who don't know and whatever we do these cops is uh... or upset at...



Hay libertad dentro, Hay libertad fuera intenta coger el diluvio en una taza de papel Existe una batalla por delante, muchas batallas se perdieron Pero nunca veras el final del camino Mientras estes...



cut a balloon and make a small baby balloon bulb tie a knot at the end with the help of the scissors trim it so this is a good baby boy take a huge syringe, fifty mili litres and put this baby bulb...
Cuál es tu nombre querida? Susan Boyle Cuál es el sueño? Tratar de ser una cantante profesional Nadie se ríe ahora! Son tres X Toda mi vida siempre he luchado por probarme a mí misma que SÍ puedo ser...



SPEAKER 1: Well, welcome back everybody. If I can get this-- talked about how we're going to have to figure out, in this transition of the internet generation, how do we make sure that the...
ESRC has been working for decades to try and improve the provision of quantitatively trained social scientists. We've introduced a whole range of different schemes, and I think many of those...
Hi Jeffrey, I'm Cassandra Thank you so much for the follow I hope you enjoy the video I love you! You guys should really come to Toronto soon You have a lot of fans down here We would all love...
the susan boyle controversy uh... and because right now mail that's it months years alone tripoli right well uh... but i think that the people in the u_k_ echoing right uh... well help first...



>> Presenter: All right, folks. Thanks so much for coming today. We're very happy to have Brendan Boyle with us. Brendan Boyle is partner and Chief Invention Officer at IDEO. His...