Hi, I'm Melina and welcome to Expert Village. Today we're going to make a polymer clay bowl. So, for this next step, we're going to glaze our bowl using Sculpey glaze. What you...
O.k., and this bowl here, is a little fish bowl, it's perfect for like a compact little centerpiece. You put it on your kitchen table. You can do something simple, something springy, you can...
So now we're ready to trim this bowl, and if you remember earlier I said that the bottom was about a quarter of an inch. That's because I like to have just a nice, smooth curve on my...



Now I would be centering this one pound of clay to make a cup which will be this type of cup. Kind of like a Japanese style tea cup and this is going to be made with leaving a lot of clay on the...



Now I'm going to talk a little bit of decoration without getting into glazing. I work with a lot of stamping and I have a couple of tiles here that they are stamped with these metal tools....
So now I've torched this for a little while longer, and let it cool down. It's still a little bit warm, but it's not really steaming very much anymore, so I can go ahead and...
So now, we've thrown our vase, we've shaped it. We've gotten the exact shape that we like. Great edge and lip. So now I'm going to remove it from the bat. The best way...
Hi, Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com. My brother just came back from Sedona, Arizona. He got enamored by kaleidoscopes that he saw there. Now, I've had a couple of kaleidoscope kits on...
Alright at this point we've got our handle set up. You just want to go in with your needle tool and make a nice finger-sized hole. Just like that. Let that come out. Don't worry about...
The next step after shaping the bowl is working on the rim and I call that setting the rim. When I set the rim I want to make sure that my fingers are wet and I'm just going to hold it a...