Chapter XXX IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG SIMPLY DOES HIS DUTY Three passengers including Passepartout had disappeared. Had they been killed in the struggle? Were they taken prisoners by the Sioux? It was...



Chapter XXXIV IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG AT LAST REACHES LONDON Phileas Fogg was in prison. He had been shut up in the Custom House, and he was to be transferred to London the next day. Passepartout, when...
Chapter XI IN WHICH PHILEAS FOGG SECURES A CURIOUS MEANS OF CONVEYANCE AT A FABULOUS PRICE The train had started punctually. Among the passengers were a number of officers, Government officials, and...
Chapter XXVII IN WHICH PASSEPARTOUT UNDERGOES, AT A SPEED OF TWENTY MILES AN HOUR, A COURSE OF MORMON HISTORY During the night of the 5th of December, the train ran south-easterly for about fifty...
Ahoy matees! Us we're together on this big ship we call planet Earth. Year two thousand twelve August summer season well out unleashed I'll tell you thirteen works of literature by me....



Mere Christianity is arguably one of the most popular introductions to Christian faith ever written. This outstanding book by C.S. Lewis has sold millions of copies throughout the world. The book is a...
Hey YouTube! So i'm back only sort of this is going to be sort of a vlog style format except it's not actually like a personal vlog basically what's happening is uh......
The Russell Nye Collection began in about 1970, based on Russell Nye’s writings. He was a professor here, and it tries to capture those parts of American Culture that were not traditionally part of...
I’m Molly Mackey with Expert Village and I just want to say a few words if you’re thinking about becoming an independent bookseller. There’s a few things to consider; first of all you need a lot...
Hi. I'm Molly Mackey, and I'm with Expert Village. Now, we're going to talk about inside assets to a book, and how you can describe those. Many books will have photographs...