I see what they did there. I see what these jokers did. Sure, you can mention Fantavision all you want, what with the fireworks display during a flyby of a city scene at night. That’s all well and...
I mentioned that in a few days on the 27th there will be a Republic of Korea-China summit in Beijing. I wonder if perhaps Ambassador Lord and Evans Revere could talk to the symbolic and substantive...



`sU>^ mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.textPK `sU> Configurations2/statusbar/PK ]sU> Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml `sU> Configurations2/floater/PK...
Another perk about college is that we have a snack bar which means that if you need a little something to get through to lunch which means that if you need a little something to get through to lunch...
Hello, I'm Tobias Voss, 21 years old. I fight for "Eintracht Berlin" and "Workers Hall Dorsten". I study politics in the 4th semester and I had two pro...



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A group of South Korean government officials and engineers crossed the border to the North earlier today, Tuesday that is, to prepare for the second round of inter-Korean talks set to take place on...
I came to this event to try all sorts of foods that they serve here tonight. What I like the most about this event is trying different kinds of food from the different parts of the world It's...
Malzahar grew up near the Shurima desert. He was born a seer, with a gift of prophecy. HE was too weak and couldn't properly contain the power he was given. In his sleep, when the veil was the...