If I could meet me when I was 16, I think the first thing that I would say is that it is so tempting to do something for somebody to get them to like you. Don't. Really be mindful that you are...
I think it will still be the same kind of skills that are important today, which is, you know, being in touch with fellow humans, making sure that we understand culture, we understand what people are...
It is, technology and all that stuff, is really important, but those can be learned. I think emotional intelligence is the key differentiator in the market, and I think that's true now, and I...
I would talk about a younger generation that's coming up that will build a community that's not based around nation states and based around limiting and creating divides between...
There are a lot of ideas that I'm passionate about. Um, and I spoke at the Institute about one I'm particularly passionate about, and that's empowering people and, in fact, to...
What book are you reading right now? So, the book that I'm reading right now is called <em>The Giver</em>, and that is actually, interestingly, it's a book...
I probably first wanted to be an actor but knew the household I lived in, that probably wasn't going to be respected, so that kind of just stayed in my head. And then I liked the idea of being...
When I was in grade school, I looked up to my father and my grandfather who were both lawyers, and so when I was really young, I think I sort of just thought that I would somehow move and follow in...
Top interview tip is do your research. There's nothing worse than when I've been interviewing candidates where they've come to the interview and made a major boo-boo, which...
Don't stop singing. And that's because at a certain point when I became 16 or 17, I stopped singing and really being used to hearing my voice. And for many years, I wasn't...