I am Gary Johnson and here is what having metastatic prostate cancer means to me. What I always tell everybody is that I am lucky to have prostate cancer because prostate cancer is a slow growing...
The oncotype DX test has provided us with a recurrent score that gives us a lot of information about what to do with patients, but there is a gray zone with the oncotype DX recurrent score and that is...
Feeling a little bit excluded - I didnít get the musical introduction. And Rob, thank you for the promotion, by the way - Iím actually an Assistant Professor, but I appreciate it very much. So I want...
1. Hello my name is oh, nuri. . I’m doing a Ph degree in biomaterial engineering laboratory of bio and brain engineering department. Today, I’d like to introduce more in detail based on last lecture...
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So, when I first came to town, the Red Sox hadn't won for 42 years. Now it's been 86 years, so the whole town all of a sudden changes its psychology. A time for great celebration, at...
In Subchapter 3.1, “Growth of Cancer”, we discussed the role of receptors in cancer cells. Doctors seek to determine what causes certain types of cancer to progress by identifying its “receptors”....
>>> DR. JAY K. HARNESS: Genetic tests look at an individual’s inherited traits or genes. Genomic tests look at groups of genes and how active they are. The Oncotype DX Test looks...
>>>Dr. Jay K. Harness : Yes, there are other molecular tests that can be ordered that are somewhat similar to Oncotype DX, but you’ve got to remember something really important –...
Jay Harness, MD: Lisa did you have the same sort of "shock and awe" experience? Lisa Schneider: Oh absolutely. Like I always say, it's that deer in the headlights, and...