The Salesian Congregation youth movement held a competition for students from São Pedro Comoro Secondary to test their brains on preventing HIV/AIDS. This program was supported by UNICEF with the...



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LeapFrog Explorer featuring Olivia! Join Olivia as her big dreams lead her through another busy day! "I have so much to do here! It's so exciting!" Explore Olivia's...



Hello we're the Joy Formidable. Rhydian and I met in school and we started writing together for the very first time and that kind of marked the beginning of this band Joy Formidable. I saw an...
He got confused and nervous. Something's up for sure. Whether you've been there since the beginning... Or your first glance is today... This French-speaking team from Western Canada......
(Students singing) We are the Change.......We are the Change.........We are the Change.........We are the Change And as you know if we collected 10 penny bags, Mr Coursey and Mr Van Maanen agreed to...



Hey Maxine! What have you been up to? Have you heard of Héliosols, the oil company? We got an e-mail telling us it was cancelled because the technology was now protected by trade secrets. Hello, my...



what?its like, oh no you didn't wait a minute no you didn't ey ey Jay ey jay jay jay jay come back here jay you disloyal, fool-ass, bitch-made-punk. Jay, I need my money (What do i...