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M.I.C. - Believe In The Future roughly translated and sub by bubucaca 布步卡卡 :-P We are the same, being instilled too much bubble wanna free from that inescapable swamp We keep getting into knots,...
Tooltime recently made a video about just how fearful quick to vilify, the religious American is, when I was growing up the Simpsons and the Ninja Turtles were considered evil or Satanic. Back in the...
Religion isn't just a belief, it is an experience. What you are experiencing may be a complete illusion or delusion of reality but you are still experiencing it. When a person feels filled...
Many people claim that the belief in God gives them comfort in troubled times. It allows them to believe that there is someone in charge and creating order when it feels like utter chaos. They also...
I ran a little experiment the other day, it is horribly non-scientific but I did it to prove a point. I went to babble fish and I typed in the following phrase. Then I translated it into greek since...
I was always told growing up that god has a plan and everything that happens has a reason for it. “All things work together for good for them who love god, for them who are the called according to...
beliefs all the time. The rationality of beliefs for the existence of God, the rationality for the belief in miracles, for example. One of the differences about the miracles that are mentioned in the...
Fitzpatrick: So this is our talk about how to design-- Not so much how to design, but how to think more in a-- about users when you're writing software. Collins-Sussman: Right. Well, actually,...
Both creationists and evolutionists have a set of beliefs that are unobservable and must be taken by faith. Biblical creationists believe that in the beginning, the God of the Bible created the heaven...