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today I would like to talk about something that is known as the law of reciprocity it's a fancy way of saying you scratch my backpack and I scratch yours you could break it down as basically...
I like to say that it was a little mistake. It was never our intention to become Germany's biggest design festival. My name is Joerg Suermann. I'm the founder and CEO of DMY Berlin....
Yo N-breezy, stop tryna be weezy, cant rap for shit so i call you shitty, wtf you doin? Get the fuck out of my city, you aint shit compaired to my boi spity, you embarressed your self so bad in the...
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Unlimited freedom becomes absolute loneliness. Because at some point there are no more people you can share it with. We're not just people, we're fellow humans. And if you're...
And this is the moment where you see me lying in bed. To quote my colleague Nicolas Mahler, it's an effort for me to get ideas whilst lying down. In contrast to the extremely over-expressive...
What up? I'm Liquit Walker. You're live on eNtR Berlin. What would I do if I was invisible in Berlin for a day? I'd sneak up on some hipsters and use a bike lock through their...