My November Guest by Robert Frost My Sorrow, when she's here with me, Thinks these dark days of autumn rain Are beautiful as days can be; She loves the bare, the withered tree; She walks the...
Black bird sits on our windowsill In a cage of twigs and twine. My sweet Marie says she'll never set it free. I'll tell you the reason why. I'll tell you the reason why. One...
Hello. I'm Kathy Kie. WorldCat Discovery Services is an exciting new suite of discovery applications that enables FirstSearch libraries to offer an even richer discovery experience. This suite...
Hi. My name is Jessica Meiczinger and I've been planning weddings and events for over a decade. And, my company's name is Simply Divine Events. I'm here to talk about today,...
Lamu street by TravelPod member jlidgett Lamu Roofscape by TravelPod member jlidgett Men and their donkeys by TravelPod member jlidgett Roofscape by TravelPod member jlidgett Narrow street of Lamu by...
Running with no shoes. The man who says, "This is the way nature meant it to be" And finally tonight, barefoot and running. Today the streets of New York City were filled with...
NOBODY GOES AWAY by seal_69 Nobody goes away indeed - The hands remain - those drawing gentleness... The eyes remain - this magic and sin, the words remain - that give birth to hope, and the lips -...



"Wind Feathers" is a bronze kinetic wind sculpture, twelve feet high, commissioned for the entrance plaza of Creek Casino Montgomery, in Montgomery, Alabama. It was completed in...
[They] produce nothing. They just... consume... I don't think they are the coolest ones, but they... They are not cool Assholes! No, but they... You know. it's more freedom, than......
00:03 CARL: My name isCarl Griffiths, I'm 19, I have size twenty one feet. And I believe I'm the biggest in the country. 01:12 CARL: I currently have basketball shoes and they cost...