My name is Peter Mason Senior officer of the KLPD Where I have been working for the past 15 years But tomorrow signals the end of my journey with the department During these testing times, I faced...
Have you heard about the new Google+? It is very much superior to Facebook. I don't care about Google+. I love Facebook. I will always love Facebook. Why do you love Facebook? They invade your...



So were around about 15 issues in but what about the future of the collection? Well we already know that Eaglemoss the make it have already planned around 80 issues and 80 figurines so there's...
Oksana Boyko: Some of the journalists have this specific tendency of seeking out negative stories about Russia, and what could be more negative than a possibility of a major terror attack? Gordon...
Oksana Boyko: Tolerance, inclusion, empathy understanding - these are values that the LGBT community has long stood and called for. And yet the newly adopted style of LGBT advocacy is anything but...
♪♪ ♪ It's all for me grog, me jolly jolly grog ♪ ♪ Oh it's all done for beer and tobacco ♪ ♪ For I spent all me tin on the lassies drinking gin ♪ ♪ Far across the western ocean I must...
accept it sick people can literally on cop and to what instant war kathleen c it's nothing personal effected out nice s kana section uh... tick tick kit kim here into the heck a hot judge yes...
The United States will do anything in it's power... Russia will not allow this western oppression to continue. It's prepared to utilize all our military capabilities. Is there any...
This episode of Destructoid is brought to you by SquareSpace. Coming up on Destructoid, Defense of the Ancients Two has some leakage, Max is terrified of Dark Souls and Aarchen Cities about to get a...
You have selected Plants vs Zombies for Best Downloadable Game. Now, the tower defense genre... it's been done before. You know, you've seen it for awile now. But, taking the Plants...