>>MELANIE ADSIT: The way we'll do it in the museum, because people come in with all different levels of vision, is actually have a tour in the galleries with the art objects that...
A custom that is part of daily life in Japan is to decorate gifts or offerings by tying an envelope with a complex knot of colored cords. These paper cords are called Mizuhiki. The roots of this...
What did they want to tell us? Prehistoric art is present in almost all regions of the planet and constitute sources of information extremely important for the artistic, intelectual and cultural...
Jory: GI Joe! Jon: Knowing is half the battle! Riley: DON'T try this at home. Hello, and welcome to the season 8 clip show of... Jory and Riley: ..."Is it a Good Idea to Microwave...
School of Athens by Raphael Sanzio, Deconstructing the Art. Art historians have suggested that nearly every great Greek philosopher can be found within the painting but determining who is depicted is...
How can we turn ideas into practice and words into objects? I'm going to show you a research method which was developed - basically for PhD students to help them construct a PhD thesis where...
Hi, I am Chitropola Mukherjee speaking on behalf of Expert Village, and I am from India. I am today going to show you some other aspects of clay sculpture. It's various uses for doing things...
Why do men view women as objects? Why do women view men as stereotypes like dumb louts and Cassanovas? Do you even know what a Cassanova is? I doubt a man like you has read any Italian history. See...
Hi I am Chitropola Mukherjee from India and on behalf of Expert Village I would like to show you how we use clay how clay is applied even today in making very, very modern sculptures. We do it a...
I'm going to show you how to connect objects in Art of Illusion so they move as a unit. Here we have a crude bird head or chicken head model which I put together very quickly. It has a few...