Consideremos ahora la historia de la privatización del agua en una de mis ciudades favoritas: Buenos Aires Antes de la privatización, no todos tenían buenas conexiones de agua en Buenos Aires eso era...
Y hay un país que se llama Argentina es un lugar al que nunca fui en donde me contaron que por cincuenta pesos podes comprar un órgano humano Órgano humano Olé! Entonces, allá abajo en, digamos......
Why would someone decide to kill thousands of persons? Because of my job I investigate these kind of people, but I meet them when they have no power. Usually they are in jail and, if they are alone,...
(Applause) Hello, how are you? Good afternoon. It is a huge pleasure to be here. Yesterday talking with Estani, I was having trouble finding a title for this talk. I had some horrible titles and just...
There's a little thing going on in a country called Iraq, which is not my favorite war. My favorite war is Oh, they're so many They're good for different reasons Falklands! That's... Probably the...