There's always an option. Nobody should ever just get on the bike and take for granted that it's going to be all right. You never know what's going to happen. My husband was on...
Zeichen-7 Visor 2014 ! Is a portable guide for the blind and visually impaired. Also suitable for deaf-blind . Is in appearance , similar to Star Trek ! The Visor measures the distance by invisible...



We're going to be installing some vent visors. The first thing you need to do when you take them out of the package, is you want to make sure that if you have a 2-door vehicle, you want to...
[truck engine sounds and music] Hi this is Sarah with We are at the SEMA Show and right now I'm talking with Joe Thompson, VP of Marketing at AVS and Lund. Yes. And...
I am testing the new style open face helmet "J-Cruise" of SHOEI. The greatest feature is the same built-in type sun visor as NEOTEC. When a helmet contains a sun visor, It is common...
I am testing NEOTEC of SHOEI. Unlike usually, the test of the helmet for motorcycles is broadcast. NEOTEC is the newest system helmet developed over the time for five years from MULTITEC which is a...



KYRA: This summer, give your imagination a passport by visiting countries around the world through crafts. Penguins live in freezing-cold temperatures. Keep yourself cool this summer with a fun foam...
Hi, I'm John Goodwin. I'm with Shoei Helmets. I'm here at Motorcycle Closeouts introducing the BRAND NEW Shoei Neotec. Our new Shoei Neotec incorporates an internal shade visor...
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