[Music - My Country 'Tis of Thee] [Bad chord] Girl 2: The year is 1860, and the United States is in danger of being torn apart. Last year John Brown's raid in Harpers Ferry caused...



But, I'm trying to remember that some...Jim came down to Washington a couple of times in those days. And the first time was, he had done a book called "The Second World War,"...
Another fallen soldier begins the journey back to his hometown, where he will be laid to rest during a military ceremony. But this soldier did not give his life in Iraq or Afghanistan but in a...
(thunder crashes) I'll get Christine's boots. She's gonna need 'em today. I think she needs a boat. Or perhaps an ark. Huh! Hey, that's a good one, Bones. Thank...
On June 1, 1863, Union Colonel James Montgomery led the 2nd South Carolina Colored Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Rhode Island Heavy Artillery from the Sea Islands in South Carolina, up the Combahee...
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"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that...
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