Hi, I am Jill Bergman and I want to talk to you about how important that these critters get sunshine its a very healing and healthy thing for them to have is a lot of sun shine. Fortunately we live...



[male narrator] Metropolitan Community College Kansas City has been meeting greater Kansas City's education and training needs since 1915 with five campuses that serve more than 40,000...
Hi, I?m Jill Bergman, and I want to show you that every year Alpacas need to be vaccinated, and this is a Clostridium Perfringens type C and D Tetanus Toxoid, that's what this is right here....
Hi, I'm Jill Bergman. I'm going to tell you a little bit about how important it is to keep these Alpacas cool in the Summer. Their their originally from the Andes Mountains in South...
Hi. my name is Jill Bergman and I am talking to you about alpacas today and one of the things thats very important if your going to have alpacas is to have a Veterinarian near by that know about...
Hi. I'm doctor Aimee Beger and today we're going to have a brief discussion on what to do when your dog is eating his own feces or getting in to the kitty cat's litter pan at...



People have different affinities or different gifts, and I just really believe that this is my gift,and it's what I'm supposed to be doing. I had the job opportunity came about nine...
Quite cute of Tony Moo to say "A non phenomenal reckognition" but it's just unavoidable K A R M A Ramana Maharshi, He knew that and also about re-incarnation ! turning the...