Richard Mayes had done well for himself. He and his wife had raised three beautiful boys, and they owned the biggest farm for miles around. No one had so many horses and sheep as he did. Each day he...
"We really know how to celebrate a title, don't we? We're enjoying to the fullest, right? Come on, 'til we drop!" "What a bore, I think I'm...



Opera scritta dalla Divina Sapienza per gli eletti degli ultimi tempi 05/09/12 Eletti, amici cari, voi siate colmi di viva speranza, perché chi vive in Me, Gesù, con Me, per Me mai può restare...



fonte ducielalaterre org Monique mathieu Messaggio dei Gerarchi Nuovo messaggio Cristico Ŧ Voi indossate un vestito sopra il corpo materiale ma non prendete coscienza dell'utilitā di quel...



Isolario Maps of visible and invisibles islands and archipelagos with Graziano Martignoni Isolario Maps of visible and invisibles islands and archipelagos Hi, we have everything. If we desire...



26.06.12 Eletti, amici cari, sperate in Me e non sprecate neppure un solo giorno in vanità, ma operate al Mio servizio per la conversione delle anime. Sposa amata, ogni anima è preziosa ai Miei Occhi...



It was Saturday, and Katie Donovan sat on the kitchen floor petting Magoo, the family dog. Her twin sister, Joy, was at the big round table, waiting for a snack. Grandpa, the best cook in the family,...
Free soul, you feel flawless Up there in the sky You Will fly Free soul, always lights me up In the darkness of my thoughts Free soul, often and magical You're the hope inside me Free soul,...



I am a simple person I love music. I love to be around people. I believe in human beings, in our potentials. Music for me is a universal channel of communication Music is my first language. The...



There are as many paths to God... as there are souls on Earth. Bab'Aziz! What a storm! I've lost my bag, I'll go and look for it. Don't bother, Ishtar, even the dunes...