Louis C.K. plans his Saturday Night Live comeback! If you're going through "Louie" withdrawals while you await the May season 4 premiere on FX, you can get your fix of dry...
Hey guys, Tatiana Diana here on the road to the Grammys guided by Turbo Tax. We’re at Sean Kingstons twenty-fisrt birthday party. Let’s go see who showed up. [music] So we've got the birthday...
How to Learn Flower Painting Techniques. Painting flowers can be a fun hobby and a wonderful way to express beauty on a canvas. Before you set brush to canvas, though, there are a few techniques you...
I'm very excited to be here because I love FIDM. I can never find this many of you students in one place. I hire from FIDM. I have people that work at JustFab from FIDM. So I can never find...
Check out this video - My Workout with Fitness Guru Richard Simmons - from Robin Palmer - inventor of My Workout Wake UP Call - Motivational Alarm Clock Messages - @MyWorkoutWakeUpCall.com and...
Hi, I’m Angela Simmons’ for PETA. I went on your website, I went on PETA one day, and at the time I wasn’t a vegetarian yet and I was making the whole transition. And I’m a vegetarian now, and I...
Hello! How are you? This video is going to be about the limits of humor concerning homophobia (whether they exist or not) The meaning behind the expression "it's just a joke"...
There are two ways of removing paint before it dries. One way is to go back with a brush, and just remove paint in the brush, because the brush will put paint down, and it will also remove paint....
Thank you for visiting me on the internet In this video I will be reviewing five habits of successful students. your chances of success will be greatly improved if you practice the five habits on a...



Erik: How has cancer affected you personally in your life? Randall: I have had relatives who have passed away from cancer. I actually had one of the most momentous moments of my life back in 2008 when...

