A água resultou em vida A água banha abundantemente A terra já não está estéril Está agora exuberante de vegetação As vasilhas e os tanques estão cheios Iguais aos olhos da donzela A água resultou em...
Aunque no sea bueno conversando, por favor entiéndeme. Te diré la verdad, que he estado guardando dentro de mi. ¿Recuerdas el día en que nos conocimos? Cuando tus bonitos labios me sonrieron. Después...
Hecho bY__7sw ... ¿Por qué es que un padre no es capaz de decirle a su hijo ... lo mucho que lo ama? Nunca es capaz de abrazar y decir 'Te quiero a mi hijo'? Y la madre? Ella no deja...
[Paul Manternach] It's my great pleasure to do The Spirit Of Safety award. And the recipient is Marie Voet. C'mon up! She also worked with people in the Emergency Dept., Intensive...
"Lamps burn." "Flowers blossom." First of all you're begging for alms.. ..and also threatening me for it. It's not a threat, but a warning....
Ulrike Tschider: Is it really right to take an award for something that I really truly enjoy? Teaching undergraduate students will never be boring. They will always come up with something that you...
VO: For 36 years, Barry Berman has devoted his career to the long-term care community in Chelsea, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas by developing innovative models of care. As CEO of Chelsea Jewish...
Let's go friend Let's go companion Catch her! Catch her! Don't let her get away! Hey, don't break my arm! Wait, sister-in-law! Get lost, drunkard! - Hey Raja! - Come to...
After all, why do we haνe democracy? Look, l don't want to create any controνersy. l will do what l want to do! Nobody can stop me! Quickly do the touch up! Ma'am, all the police vans...