A taut crime thriller from actor/direction Ben Affleck, this 124-minute feature managed to earn four times its $37-million dollar budget when it was released in September of 2010. Affleck and Jeremy...
Mom, I don't want to meet dad. I want to sleep with you. "We will be successful." "We will be successful." "We will be successful...
Volodya “Q-valda” Kukhar Presents Dear Danya, t’s me Volodya Kukhar writing to you. I’m the most faithful fan of you and your team. More then half a year passed since I left. Believe me; I had a...
How are you? // Pretty good considering, haven't had to watch any of your crappy films lately. // Oh, thanks. // You ever take a project just for the paycheck? I did. I had to. // Right,...
Britain launches award to boost confidence in youth. According to an international survey of 2,500 youngsters, youths from the United Kingdom are more ambitious than most other European teenagers;...
♪ ♪ One the road again. ♪ Who’s up for a road trip? We’re going to take one. A heavy-duty road trip. Today, on Engineering Works! ♪ I can't wait to get on the road again. ♪ Just about...
Hey there! I'm Wes. And I'm Tony! Recently we've seen Kickstarter help people realize their dreams worldwide... so it seems to be the PERFECT time to accomplish something...
We'll be sitting at a table together Along with 2 of my associates. Once the charges are read, The judge will ask how you plead. Not--not guilty. No. But I'm not guilty, mr. Vail. I...
Why can't you people just leave me alone? Because you are the Slayer. You alone can stop them. We're a team. You're the Slayer and we're like the Slayerettes...