Here are some Thai students. They get an introduction into what the hymns are about: Shiva and the lingam in the background. People are pouring water on it and milk and various sacred items. And they...



BY: And it's time to welcome our next guest. He was born 11 June 1987 in Porsgrunn city He is an educated classical singer from the Barratt Due Music Institute. Eah, eah, ho, ho, eah! his...
What's up, bro! What's going on? Aren't you ready? Ready for what? We're filming today. Filming? Come on, don't film me now, I just got up. What are you doing?...
Åh! Av! Av, hvor gør det ondt! Hvad i alverden er der sket med dig? Du står jo dér og ligner lort! Jeg er fuldkommen proppet. Jeg tror, jeg har fået forstoppelse. Hmm, lad mig lige undersøge dig. Jeg...
"hello i am mentaly retaded" all come 10 Tay two-income I cake most denims he PU what she from you like p media only so hoop scan all line we me well school the p some in...



There is no meaning of life? You say: We are born and die, but is there a goal to it all, a purpose in everything we do? I know a meaning of life. It is that you do your duty in large and small to...



. by TravelPod member kristian_liv Flot udsigt by TravelPod member kristian_liv Marked i Cholula by TravelPod member kristian_liv . by TravelPod member kristian_liv . by TravelPod member kristian_liv...
Krokodille by TravelPod member herborg Sejltur på Rio Sierpe by TravelPod member herborg Solopgang by TravelPod member herborg På tur i junglen by TravelPod member herborg Mig i junglen by TravelPod...



Through timeless, decayed dreams In a moist autumn wind over deserted plains Against Sorias mountains I come, a Devil's Knight Smooth is the rune on the high mountain Washed away by rain and...



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