Nothing is what it seems. You are not that what could happen to you. Who are you then? What’s that? That’s a tree darling. What’s a tree? A tree is a very big plant. then the seed finds itself inside...



Untertitel: WDR mediagroup digital GmbH im Auftrag des WDR Musik: Dean Martin "Memories are made of this" "Sweet, sweet memories you gave-a me, the memories you gave-a me....
oh no it can not be true Now they're on strike again What you want to say? "they're on strike again"? wrong mr colleague not: they we what? they're on strike,...
The Addict -Give me your fucking money! -T-take it easy, man! -Try to take the money now then you fucking spaz! -Did you see that swing? -Totally fucked up! -Know something else that's fucked...
QuickLook/Thumbnail.jpg JFIF @Exif $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz I0MWW }?GSa}z no.R[ 2.fR .cy^...



Love, love is a dream We were like two young strands of driftwood Caught up in the stream We were destined for each other From our very first "hello" We came bustin' through...
Aha, Where is the switch? -What does it look like? They are always different ..This does that It could be in there -Up here? If you see a switch that says "fan" -"Organ...
Good afternoon, and welcome to NH News. Our mainsubject today is welfare, due to the yearly Welfare Day at all schools of Copenhagen We've got a reporter standing at the Ny Hollaender school,...
What's up, bro! What's going on? Aren't you ready? Ready for what? We're filming today. Filming? Come on, don't film me now, I just got up. What are you doing?...
(Stairway closed.) Sahlgrenska main entrance. Tejbir Sing. Hey! Welcome, Tjebir. Take a seat over there. Well, Tejbir, is all well with you? It's a lot better! I've started exercising,...