It was actually fifty, almost fifty years ago or more that my father literally stood at the roof of the world, at the peak of the Himalayas, before he descended into the Indian sub-continent being...
What we are saying in Shambhala and what the Dorje Dradul [Trungpa Rinpoche] was saying and what we are expressing here is again that society is not a Utopian state; but that it is a society that has...
One of the crucial factors of this experience and practice, meditation is respecting ourselves; and in particularly respecting what we think and feel. When we do that, we become self embodied and self...
What do I value in a teammate? I value dedication, loyalty, leadership, courage, passion, heart. What do I not care about? My teammates’ sexual orientation. My teammates’ gender identity. Where my...
>>Announcer This is Temple Made >>Julian The first time I became involved with Temple was when I was in seventh grade. I was involved in a program called the Physician...
[nats of wheel] [music starts] >>Williams It's the opening of the academic year with about 5500 students moving on campus. You're going to see students walking around...
well so that's that happened uh... mike my condo got spread by a skunk which is a little weird i all turned up the door to leave and all the sudden it smelled like skunk and i walked outside...
My name is Ernest Ezeugo. I'm the student body president at the University of Oklahoma My name is Drew Knox and I'm the Interfraternity Council president here at the University of...



An alumni here was subbing at my high school, and he said "You should go to Augustana." I never really heard of it, but he knew I wanted to be a pre-med major, and...
In ecology news, a United Nations agency donates seeds to southern Sudanese states. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is distributing seeds in Eastern Equatoria to help with food security....