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>> We're going to tell some stories about pranks at Wiess in the late '80s and early '90s. You want to start? >> No, you go ahead. >>...



NARRATOR: Up next on "Save My Bakery," 12 years ago, Phatso's was an award-winning establishment. But, today, they're on the verge of collapse. RICK: I opened...
WINTER LIGHT Our Lord, Jesus Christ, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it unto His disciples, saying: Take and eat. This is my Body which is given up for you....
Sears is going to be launching nationally the loyalty program across the Kmart brand. And they felt it was really, really important in this environment to do this because the traditional ways of...
HARRY CHEADLE: My name is Harry, and I've been a loser for most of my life. I thought I was done with my awkward phase when Vice hired me to write about politics, culture, and other important...
Oh these feet carry me far Oh my body. Oh so tired. Mouth is dry, hardly speak Holy spirit rise in me here I swear... ...Forever is just a minute to me And I'll take everything... ...in this...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah LeComte Supply on this track Demand in our rap One big family, don't believe it just graph Supply on our minds Talk about shifters Them shifters be ROTTEN...

