La potatura verde è quella potatura effettuata in primavera inoltrata o in estate si chiama verde in quanto si interviene su piante che hanno già effettuato la gran parte del loro sviluppo più folto...



In this session of the Data Mining with STATISTICA series we will discuss building Boosted Trees for classification. We are continuing with the credit scoring data which has been prepared for analysis...



When you prune your fruit trees, in general, trees such as apples, pears, apricots, peaches, not figs, not persimmon, but the apple, pear, peach, plum trees. What you want to do is on the first year...
This course born for the need to satisfy the people’s demand that would to learn the olive’s pruning technique and don’t know where to turn… This is the sixth course that we organize as cultural...
We have gathered this morning some variety of wicker baskets... these are the branches, the shoots of the plants are harvested at the right time... especially in the full moon. This morning we...
Ghost Stories: Collection of New Tales Excuse us! What about these things? What do we do? Uh, I don't... I'm sorry. That goes in the living room. This one goes there. The other one in...

