European Union European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development Strategma Agency and MAGARDICH HULIAN, AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT EXPERT AT THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE...



European Union European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development Strategma Agency and Magardich HULIAN Agriculture and rural development expert at the European institute...



A second example I wanted to show is fertiliser. And one of the key pieces here is for the most part homeowners will use fertiliser but one of the oversights that they had was--you didn't take...
My name is, I am called Kamya Tarphon from the Putti Community in Uganda I am the leader of the Putti Community, the Jewish community in Uganda First and formost I would like to thank Rabbi Riskin For...
My name is Brenton. I’m twenty-two years old and I’m doing an apprenticeship in heavy vehicle agricultural mechanics at Puffing Billy Railway. I’m involved with the day to day running of the Puffing...
If your experience in agriculture is anything like mine, then you are always looking for the opportunity to have your say. Whether you're drenching sheep or marking cattle, or mustering, or...
There are lots of things we can do to think about avoiding that sort of crowding out - lots of ways in which you can have a mixture of internal and external collective actions that makes the best of...
Hello and welcome back everybody. If, if you remember I wanted to use the first few lectures to just sort of set the stage and provide a little bit of context on some of the bigger picture,...



[ background music ] >> Narrator: Melvin H. Johnson’s contributions to Agricultural Education in Georgia have allowed the program to flourish and grow more than any other state in this...