
My teacher was R. D. Laing, a Scottish psychiatrist, and I'll start with a quote from him. He said, and I quote, "Psychotherapy must remain an obstinate attempt of two...
IMPACT stands for Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today the idea of IMPACT is that we’re able to provided individualized physical activity programs to children with unique...
I am a parent of three daughters two of whom are on the autism spectrum One of whom requires - autism has so affected her life that she requires 24-7 care. So, yes, we have been very involved in...
Is my baby developmentally delayed? Preemies seem developmentally delayed because a baby that came out two months early is equivalent to a newborn at two months old. He wasn’t a preemie. There’s also...
Voice over: It was straight to the top for Donato Tocci. At eleven years old he's already a television news anchor. And he's about to go LIVE! Teacher: You look great Donato. Adult...
[thunder] [music] The inspiration for 'Holding in the Storm' came to me from a documentary I worked on with Andrew Bloomfield and a group of other adults with Autism who can't...
I'm Padraig King For a number of years I've been helping people to deal with reflexes, postural and developmental One of the major reflexes that I focus on is the the Fear Paralysis...
We have a number of students from all different levels, from high school, college, university, that are really struggling after their brain injury. And so we wanted to have a way to help them...
♪♪ Violin/Fiddle ♪♪ ♪♪ Violin/Fiddle and strings ♪♪ (Interviewer) Talk to me about Dylan Axelrod. << Both laugh heartily >> Dylan is... Of course he’s a baseball player,...
The slogan of our discipline is "relearning how to deal with people to be more efficient" and in my view the two words in that which are the most interesting are the words...

