My name is Anthony Maddaloni. I am a professional photographer form Austin Texas. I'm going to talk about speed graphic camera large format 4x5 camera. First thing is how to open up your...
Writing of WPA work at small liberal arts colleges, Jill Gladstein and Dara Regaignon examine both common leadership structures and how local contexts shape writing leadership. Their work has allowed...
Hi, my name is Lanie McCormick I'm a fine art photographer in Austin, Texas. I'm here to show you how to set up a dark room on behalf of Expert Village. Once you have lightproofed your...
Welcome to tutorial How to automate Dodge and Burn. This technique is usefull for adding contrast to the image... without any damage to your image... I will open photo which I use to show you this...
in this video our share my top tips for shooting through windows without getting all those nasty reflections Adorama TV presents take and make great photography with Gavin Hoey where you learn how to...
Mad Handles This brief talk draws upon the phrase "mad handles" as a device for framing my first year as a pre-tenure writing program administrator. To establish footing for this...
Once I have my chemistry made and my film is in the cannister, what I want to do, is you'll lay it on here, the lid goes on, I take the lid off. I take my cannister and I hold it, sort of at...
So after five minutes, my fixer is done. I always want to save my fix, so I have a funnel, old fix container. These are OK to use, these are great to use. I just pour it in. Now the thing about fixer...
Hi, my name is Lanie McCormick and I'm a fine art photographer in Austin, Texas. I'm here to show you how to set up a dark room on behalf of Expert Village. When you're doing...
Hi, my name is Lanie McCormick I'm a fine art photographer in Austin, Texas. I'm here to show you how to set up a dark room on behalf of Expert Village. Once your prints are out of the...