Hi everybody! Today I'm gonna being doing a just a really tiny, mini, thrift haul. I just went to the Salvation Army. Umm which is a thrift store if you're not from America, or if you...
Oh! Hey! Sup man? How's it going? Guess who just got back from Seattle? Yea, bet you noticed my new shirt, right? All the cool people are wearing them. Oh, and they have this awesome music....
Hi there guys, this is Stephanie... Well, my YouTube name is animeainara but anyways it's been a great while that I made a YouTube video probably years ago. Anyways... I'm doing this...
Hi, My name is Shannon from Glamerdoll and you are watching HaulRox. Today I am going to be doing my January favorites and I am just going to be talking you through all the products I have been loving...
A normal party If it had no detail. A fatal victim DATENA'S REPORTER Hey people, good afternoon We are here in a hard situation After the tsunami that had destructed Lucas' house. So,...



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How long can the party last? For hundreds of years the gypsy tradition was one of ancient traditions and simple tastes Then their world collided with the twenty first century With unprecedented access...



Thank you you guys all who come to participate this workshop. Also, I'm apologize about the postpone of workshop schedule from last week. I wish today you all enjoy swatching, playing with...