- Hi, my name is Barbara - Hi Liz! - Hi Liz! - Hi Liz, this is Anna - Hi Liz, if you'll come to Bologna I'll show you wonderful things and I'm sure you could take some amazing...
Hey everybody we will be playing doom whose mom year ponies weekend 9 a.m. in okay then to hit them people yes them this is we just sayin old you work no you get it we're when rival loans now...
Well, you may have noticed that the lighting is different and- Oh, but I do have my hat. Don't worry. Hasn't changed that much- and you may have noticed there's more posters,...
Hi, it's Carina from the usability team This week we have been testing the homepage with some users which is also what we were doing last week The reason why we are doing the same task is...
JFIF Exif $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz +'Pz PH$c e#hP;q BKd>a U%8% OaUM )i(F =_V~ #j~/...
From the depths of fashion ignorance, comes... hamsters. Because it’s Thursday, which means it’s HAMSTER THURSDAY, brought to you by Felicity in Worcestershire, our #1 source for strange, strange...