Education is a legacy, graduation is our success. After hard days of long labor, our day has finally come. Truly, education is our only treasure that cannot be stolen away from us. Once knowledge is...
Oh, LJN. Back before the the internet, you pioneered the art of being a sockpuppet by giving Acclaim extra room to publish their nonsense, all while telling Nintendo, “Oh, this is ours. See the...
Six meters of Pavement is about this guy named Ismail Boxwala who is a middle-age, South Asian man who makes the worse mistake of his life about twenty years ago. It’s a story about his survival and...
Hello and welcome to this tutorial video for beginner recorder players. My name is Mr. Pichurski and I am a grade 4 Music Teacher in Alberta, Canada. Throughout this tutorial video we will be learning...
Remember that in electrophilic aromatic substitution, the π system serves as a nucleophilic source of electrons, and that’s the highest occupied molecular orbital. And if that highest occupied...



Hi! My name is S.J. Tucker, and I’m a Friend of Rupert. I have a song for you today, called “Rabbit’s Song.” It’s a beautiful spring day, the perfect time for bunnies to be out among the green grass....
This song is called “I’m a Friend of Rupert,” and I’ll bet you are! I know I am. Here we go! I’m a Friend of Rupert, Sing it loud and clear, If you’re a Friend of Rupert, Then give a great big cheer!...
Six Figure Mentors Review The Six Figure Mentors provide cutting edge online marketing training complete with the tools, training and community essential to start and grow a successful internet based...
R: Finally Friday and Didrik Solli-Tangen has arrived. That sounded like a Kinder Egg. D: A Kinder Egg? That was a nice comparison. Thank you. R:And you bring a new single with you. D: I have it in my...



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