03 current affairs. media. issues.

Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons. In this lesson we will discuss current affairs or what’s happening in the world right now. Hey Sam, did you check out...
Now before we get talking about medication treatment per se I want to talk about this study that's now 14 years old but it was so well done it's you know found a place in the history...
>> Good afternoon everybody, good morning to our folks in Hawaii. Thank you for joining us for our webinar today. I'm Samantha Smith with the Division of Education and...
Arirang TV will welcome some three-hundred broadcast journalists from all over the world for a global media forum in Seoul this week. The four-day forum, titled "Bridging the...
[keyboard clicking] [Mannion] If you have a Facebook profile, chances are your unit has one too. Local commands, ships, divisions and even top commanders contribute to the growing number of...
equipment plays a role one of the hats I wear is as a vice president of NOCSAE which certifies football helmets and other athletic equipment and there's no doubt that helmets are better today...
Thailand is a nation in damage control. Its military at the centre of a public relations battle being waged as it tries to sell its seizing of power as a "good coup". So very, very...