To be an apprentice, it really depends on your skill level, on how you advance into what you're doing. You have to prove to me that you're worthy to be a tattooer. You have to prove to...
Hi, I'm James Vaughn I own Straight A tattoo in Asheboro, North Carolina. I was formerly on finalist on Inkmaster. I tattoo mainly convention circuits, all over, guest spots. I am here to...
How to Cover a Scar with a Tattoo. Turn your scar into a canvas that will hold beautiful and priceless body art. You will need Scar Design ideas Internet access Tattoo artist and money. Step 1. Think...
Benson: There's a lot of similarities with professional fighting and getting a tattoo. You know that it's going to hurt. It's not going to feel good but the end result is...
I am going to show you how to cover a tattoo. The first step is obviously always clean the skin. I am going to take a little bit of alcohol and I am just going to rub it over the tattoo that I want to...
J.R.: This is J.R. Smith of the New York Knicks. Shooting guard number 8. Swish! I was always one of those people just say, "I'm just going to get another one, I'm just going...
hey guys I get asked all time got my taxes from other girls and guys who wanna get a tattoo but they just can't decide what to get you know it's a hard decision it's gonna be...
Hello, welcome to Piranha Tattoo Supplies I come introduce to you the new green soap from Panthera so the green soap is an antibacterial hypoallergenic soap used to wash the skin before during and...
So we have the first step of the tattoo complete. Now if you like the way this looks, like I said before, you can leave it as such. If you do leave it it's really important that you powder it...
>> Male Presenter: Good afternoon. We're very pleased to have a double dose of Authors at Google today. In fact, we have two books from the Bestselling and Philosophy series. Our...