“Open your eyes.” In 2016, fans of The Legend of Zelda got their first chance to hear the newest version of the titular princess. This wasn’t the first time that Zelda had been given a voice, but it...
4 Teens Landscapes, Stories and Language Episode 1: The voice of nature No place in the world is like Puerto Natales, a place that is so hidden from the world yet so surreal, where interminable pampas...
War for the Planet of the Apes Review The modern Planet of the Apes films are textbook examples of how to build a franchise. Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a solid new beginning for a series that...
apes have risen dawn has passed and now in the third installment the Planet of the Apes is an all-out war the end of a trilogy the most violent and gritty segment yet war for the Planet of the Apes is...
"THE VOICE OF POLAND": CO DZIAŁO SIĘ W PIERWSZYM ODCINKU NA ŻYWO? EMOCJI NIE BRAKOWAŁO W pierwszym odcinku live na widzów czekało wiele niespodzianek. Oprócz Trenerów i uczestników...
Believers have many questions and they seek for guidance everywhere but when you tell them to ask Jesus then they say to you, how would they know if it is Jesus who replies to them? How would they...
Hello, this is Seth Welling and welcome to another In Car Movie Review. Tonight’s film, The War for the Planet of the Apes.It’s the fourth film in the franchise that was rebooted in 2001.And this one...
Hello students, this video will be a brief history about the causes of World War 2. The objectives of this video will be to answer a couple questions that are asked in the video and bring your...



January 1915. World War One is just five months old, and already around one million soldiers have fallen. A war that began in the Balkans has engulfed much of the world. The Central Powers: Germany,...
A shell or grenade buried in western Belgium since World War One, has exploded, killing two people. At least two more were injured, one of whom is in critical condition. The device was set off as...