So, we would like to know if you spent good holidays? Were you in Spain ? We did go to Ibiza but we went at the wrong time because everything opened on May, 1st so a lot of things were still closed...
Hello, and welcome to Bay College's video lectures for math 085. This is section 1.11. We're going to multiply and divide integers. In the previous session, we added and subtracted....



Good morning, thanks for watching my channel! In one of my previous videos... ...I talked about my trip through Japan when I tried to walk from Kyoto to Yokohama with a friend But it's a very...



Hey awesome ones, welcome to our 2 1/2 day vacation. As entrepreneurs you get like two and a half days, oh well. Hey you know what two and a half days is better than no and a half days. That's...
Elaine Gabovitch: Do you have a baby or young children at home? Well, in this program, 1, 2, 3, Grow! We're going to share information about the amazing changes that you can expect as a young...
>.< our "goddess" Miyeon our "eldest-maknae pro-whistler" Minnie our "Red Hair" Soojin our "brave-leader"...
isn't it fascinating how sometimes we seemingly give other people so much power that they can do something so small so trivial that completely ruins our day maybe if someone cut us off on the...
If you're getting ready to send out your handmade Christmas cards wouldn't you like to make sure the Post Office will deliver them? Keep watching and I'll give you some tips....
And now we enter the gauntlet - where a movie franchise must execute the difficult task of splitting its final book into two movies, pleasing both studio suits with a clear cash grab and fans...
Digital marketing campaigns when properly designed and managed lead to increased brand awareness, better quality leads, and more sales. So in part 1 of this 2 part series I cover 7 strategies to...