I will love you Miss you All of my life I will wonder About you All of my life. I will need you Want you All of my life But I've lost you Lost you For the rest of my life
Look around Do you see? Everything is fading Everything just fades away Look around Do you see? Everyone looks lonely But there's only you and me Do you wonder How we came to be here? Do you wonder If...
The woman of my life. That day everyting changed. The fucking accident changed our lifes Both legs and one of my arms became paralyzed Thereafter was imposible for me to advance I mean it figuratively...



要是我的心在你之中的話 走在一起都變得如此困難 在廣闊的天空悠游的白雲 想一直讓你成為最特別的 小小的掌心、是如此的可愛 想去守護、我開始這麼認為了 你那泰若自然的箭頭、以及不形於色的嗜好 比一切都還要重要 都是為了無可取代的愛 You're the love of my life... 在旅行的途中有許多的愛與離別 有時候也想要走看看不同的道路 在什麼樣事情中受到傷害而脫逃出來 ...



I'll always remember the song they were playing, The first time we danced and I knew. As we swayed to the music and held to each other, I fell in love with you. Could I have this dance for the rest of...
I have enough money to last me the rest of my life unless I buy something.
It's been the structure of my life: you scheme and plan and try and fail and try again and accumulate and lose and win back, and then you tell.
You are the love of my life I knew it right from the start The moment I looked at you You found a place in my heart You are the love of my life You give me reason to live You taught me how to be...