Thug lord the new testament

well welcome to church my name is Tommy I'm one of the pastor's here at the rock and whew you brought my family with me this morning let me see your Bible this morning whatever you...
JESUS TOP 10 UFC VS. JESUS Introducing first, in the red corner, weighing at infinite pounds, with height of from the deep to the third heaven, the undisputed undefeated champion of the universe, the...
This year is the 100 year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. 100 years since Lord Arthur Balfour who, as a Christian, stood courageously in front of the Zionist Federation proclaiming, ‘I am a...
Now, how do you put together all these statements? Is there a contradiction here? No, there is no contradiction here. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the figure of speech known as...
This is the story of the people of God. In this section, I'm going to talk about the New Covenant. In the previous video I talked about all the Old Testament covenants. But before I get into...
At the absolute low point of death by torture, follows the high point of the resurrection. New life beyond any human comprehension. The moment Jesus rises from the tomb is not recorded in the New...
Get ready to discover answers in the bible with Bayless Conley The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus, which by the way, was the most diverse church in the New Testament. He wrote to them in...
I think the part of the bible I value the most is definitely the gospels. The first reason being Christ, His earthly ministry that He sets out. His teachings, and all the things we can take away from...
[Questioner] I was going to refer back to the question on the validity of Scripture. Ii appreciated your comment on how it's really not necessary for salvation. But for the new believer or for...
We are going to look up the Scripture for today. The Scripture for toda y given to us is Roma ns 3:20. Roma ns 3:20, from the New Testament. If you found it, we will rea d it together in one voice....