The polar bear and cougar 2007

hey everyone it's James from fun foods and today I'm gonna show you how to make these polar bear cupcakes now these are a lot of fun to make and very simple so keep watching and...
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial! I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will model a polar bear in clay. These are the tools that we will be using. And this piece of clay....
you're so young purple diamonds Andy Enderman ha and now for the moment you've been waiting for an episode Steve are you okay oh my gosh Andy you wouldn't believe what just...
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial! I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw an ice melting polar bear. I will use a beautiful Kaweco Sketch Up mechanical pencil, with...
Top 10 Largest Carnivorous Bear in The World Polar Bears are same size as Kodiak bear and regarded as world’s largest land predators within the Arctic circle. The polar bear is called as marine...
this year's polar bear recap has taken me much longer to get done. Not because there's anything difficult to say, almost the opposite. These boats were all amazing and it truly blows...
Global warming causes the average temperatures in the world to increase. Around the North Pole, the cold season is becoming shorter, the sea ice melts earlier and the time during which polar bears can...
So today we're going to talk about the history of bear markets. Generally speaking, the definition of a bear market is a peak to trough decline of 20 percent or more. And so, under that...
Brr… I am a polar bear. They call me that because I live on the ice floes near the North Pole. My fur is white and that is very good camouflage in the snow and on the ice. Did you know that female...
From appalling assaults to hideous acts of horror, here's what happens when polar bears attack. What are they? The fact that polar bears are complete masters of their surroundings is beyond...