Hi! I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful support the past year during my time as the Young Australian of the Year. Its been a wonderful experience and currently I am in...
My writing voice is very much like 'Thank You for Smoking.' It's a guy's voice. It's very masculine.
Back in 2012, we launched Living on your side to help local communities. Members and employees have worked together to make a real difference over the last four years. As we enter our final year of...
[singing] Thank You for loving me [singing] Thank You for loving me [singing] Thank You for loving me [singing] Thank You for loving me [singing] Thank You for finding me [singing] Thank You for...



uh... good morning everybody and thank you for joining us for our webinar and demonstration get the most from your prevention data I'm Mandy Sadowski also with me today is Matt Abbit,...



Thank you for the world so sweet Thank you for the food we eat Thank you for the birds that sing Thank you lord for everything Thank you for the world so sweet Thank you for the food we eat Thank you...
I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you so much, to NDC and the donors. Please continue to give to NDC. I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody that is helping NDC to keep on doing...
12 years old (his) momma say, its not safe outside. red moon, dark forest, strange sounds,its dark but alive. Get the call for dinner, thank God, he's been waiting for meal all day. As he sits...
That I would meet someone so charming. Never thought of it. Never dreamt of this. That there's someone I could give so much love to You accept me into your heart I am So glad So glad So glad...



You are about to enter the courtroom of Judge Gavin Bernard. The people are real. The places are real. The parking is not validated. This is Thank You For Judge Gavin! All rise. We may be seated. Did...

