My name is Yuki from Japan, and I did a Social Science stream at the ISC, I got first class honours in a BSc Sociology and Criminology here at Royal Holloway University. I'll be pursuing an...
Good morning. My name is Graham Virgo and this is Janet O'Sullivan and we both teach in the Law Faculty and actually give lectures in this very room. Now, you've heard a bit about what...
I would say to other universities that if they want students who have got the overall language proficiency to excel at university, then Cambridge English Advanced is an excellent exam to ask for. My...
Good morning. My name is Graham Virgo. I'm deputy chair of the law faculty and a professor in this faculty, and a fellow of Downing College. I'm going to be running a session on legal...



Well initially it was partly accidental because I wanted to be an oceanographer, and when I finished my Bachelors degree I got a job on a Canadian icebreaker which was doing a circumnavigation of...
Taking B2 First for Schools was a great experience for me. It was the next step up from B1 Preliminary for Schools and I really wanted to prove my level of English and reach B2 level. I'm off...
I cannot remember him ever attending church, but I never openly challenged him and so enrolled at Christ's College, Cambridge to study theology. My three years at Cambridge were amongst the...



My name is Gileine Rappard, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the The Hague in The Netherlands. I want to become an international teacher and for this I need to prove that my English...
You've decided to apply to Intrax. Thank you and congratulations! You can complete your application on our website or email us to request an application form. Now, let's start filling...



I'm Tim Oates. I am Group Director of Assessment, Research and Development to Cambridge Assessment. I was also chair of the expert panel which informed the review of the national curriculum...